SFTP Progress Monitoring and Abort (C#)

Here is an example for monitoring the progress of an SFTP file transfer:

        void sftp_OnPercentDone(object sender, Chilkat.PercentDoneEventArgs args)
            progressBar1.Value = args.PercentDone;

            // To abort at any point, you may set args.Abort = true  
            // args.Abort = true;

        void sftp_OnAbortCheck(object sender, Chilkat.AbortCheckEventArgs args)
            // See https://cknotes.com/?p=149  for more information about 
            // using the AbortCheck event...

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	// SFTP upload with progress monitoring.
	Chilkat.SFtp sftp = new Chilkat.SFtp();

	// IMPORTANT: Enable event callbacks:
	sftp.EnableEvents = true;

	// Unlock the component.
	bool success = sftp.UnlockComponent("Anything for 30-day trial");
	if (!success)
	textBox1.Text = sftp.LastErrorText;

	// Connect to the SSH/SFTP server. (use a domain name or IP address)
	success = sftp.Connect("", 22);
	if (!success)
	textBox1.Text = sftp.LastErrorText;

	// Authenticate..
	success = sftp.AuthenticatePw("chilkat", "myPassword");
	if (!success)
	textBox1.Text = sftp.LastErrorText;

	success = sftp.InitializeSftp();
	if (!success)
	textBox1.Text = sftp.LastErrorText;

	// Establish some event handlers:
	sftp.OnAbortCheck += new Chilkat.SFtp.AbortCheckEventHandler(sftp_OnAbortCheck);
	sftp.OnPercentDone += new Chilkat.SFtp.PercentDoneEventHandler(sftp_OnPercentDone);

	// See https://cknotes.com/?p=149  for more information about 
	// using the AbortCheck event...

	// Do an upload.
	// Note: If the file to be uploaded or downloaded is too small, 
	// the PercentDone callback will not be called for each 1%.
	// It's possible if the file is so small relative to the speed
	// of the connection that you may get a single 100% callback if
	// the data transfer happens almost instantaneously.
	string localFilepath = "c:/temp/hamlet.xml";
	string remoteFilepath = "hamlet.xml";
	progressBar1.Value = 0;
	success = sftp.UploadFileByName(remoteFilepath, localFilepath);
	if (!success)
	textBox1.Text = sftp.LastErrorText;
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