Chilkat 64-bit DLL for Delphi XE4 Now Available.

The 64-bit build of the Chilkat DLL for Delphi XE4 has been added to the v9.4.1 SP1 distribution. See

The 32-bit DLL is named ChilkatDelphiXE.dll and is valid for Delphi XE2, XE3, and XE4  (and will likely be valid for future Delphi releases).

The 64-bit DLL is named ChilkatDelphiXE4.dll and is valid for both Delphi XE3 and XE4.

The Chilkat *.pas sources (included in the download) contain the DLL function declarations that make it easy to use the exported DLL functions in a Delphi program.  Each of these .pas sources references the path to the DLL.  For example, this is a snippet from  the Mailman.pas source file showing the DLL reference:


const DLLName = 'ChilkatDelphiXE.dll';

function CkMailMan_Create; external DLLName;
procedure CkMailMan_Dispose; external DLLName;

Given that no path was specified, the “ChilkatDelphiXE.dll” is assumed to be in the same directory as the .pas source. It is possible to place the DLL in any directory, but the .pas files used by an application must be updated to reference the DLL:


const DLLName = 'c:/ChilkatDelphi/ChilkatDelphiXE.dll';

function CkMailMan_Create; external DLLName;
procedure CkMailMan_Dispose; external DLLName;

64-bit Builds
To build for 64-bit, the DLL referenced from within a .pas must be changed to reference the ChilkatDelphiXE64.dll, or as another solution, rename the 32-bit ChilkatDelphiXE.dll to ChilkatDelphiXE32.dll and then rename ChilkatDelphiXE64.dll to ChilkatDelphiXE.dll, which would then match what is referenced within the .pas files. Perhaps there are better solutions…

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