VB6 Variant vs Byte Array

In Visual Basic 6.0, a Variant containing a byte array is different than a byte array. For example, examine this code: ‘ Assume mime is a ChilkatMime object… Set mimePart = mime.GetPart(1) thefile = FreeFile() ‘Get the attachment filename FileName = mimePart.FileName ‘Get the attachment Dim mBody As Variant mBody = mimePart.GetBodyBinary If Len(mBody) > 0 Then Open FileName For […]

Visual Basic Font.Charset Property

Charset Name Charset Value (Hex) Charset Value (Decimal) Code-Page ID ANSI_CHARSET 0x00 0 1252 DEFAULT_CHARSET 0x01 1 SYMBOL_CHARSET 0x02 2 SHIFTJIS_CHARSET 0x80 128 932 HANGUL_CHARSET 0x81 129 949 GB2312_CHARSET 0x86 134 936 CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET 0x88 136 950 GREEK_CHARSET 0xA1 161 1253 TURKISH_CHARSET 0xA2 162 1254 HEBREW_CHARSET 0xB1 177 1255 ARABIC_CHARSET 0xB2 178 1256 BALTIC_CHARSET 0xBA 186 1257 RUSSIAN_CHARSET 0xCC 204 1251 […]